4 Rules To Reduce Cellulite

Rule 1.  Go Vegetarian One Day a Week:  A recent study in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who ate the most meat were about 27 percent more likely to be obese.  Also when eating meat the average person consumed about 700 more calories per day, on average in this same study.   Also high in fluids and nutrients and low in calories, vegetables are ideal for weight management.  Asparagus has often been suggested to be beneficial in fighting cellulite due to its folic acid content.  Some suggest that folic acid helps stabilize mood swings and decrease stress levels, which indirectly can affect fat storage in the body.  Green leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale contain an antioxidant known as lutein.  There is some evidence that this substance may increase skin hydration and elasticity and in this way reduce the appearance of cellulite due to increased skin health.

Rule 2 Eat Healthy Seeds:  Sunflower and Flax seeds are the best seeds to eat to help fight cellulite.  Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin E, potassium and zinc, as well as vitamin B6, a super lump-fighter.  Not only does B6 help metabolize proteins that strengthen and repair connective tissue.    It’s also a natural diuretic, eliminating excess water and bloating that can make cellulite more visible.  Flax seeds  help to correct hormone imbalances which can lead to the formation of cellulite.  Also, the many vitamins and minerals found in flax seeds increase skin health and thickness, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.  Finally, the high concentration of fiber in flax seeds can help your body to metabolize fat cells faster, reducing their size and making them less apparent.

Rule 3 Drink Green and Herbal Tea’s:  The active ingredient EGCG, in green, dandelion and ginger teas, speeds up metabolism and increases fat burn.  Green tea contains amazing antioxidants which can help keep your body healthy, preventing cellulite before it starts. Some studies have found that it can raise your metabolism, reducing fat stores. Weight loss is one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite are pockets of fat that are unevenly placed, so eliminating the fat will deplete the pockets, smoothing out your body. Drink these teas hot and through the day to experience the most benefits. 

Rule 4 Lift Weights:  Weight Training is the only form of exercise capable of strengthening muscle and tightening the connective tissues of the body.  A lower body resistance- training program that focuses on muscle growth is essential here.   You can lift heavy weights for a few reps or light weights for many reps, it really doesn’t make a difference.  The key is to lift on a regular basis (2-4x per week) and change up your routine every month.  Squats, dead lifts, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, etc..  are all great exercises. 

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