7 Green Superfoods You Absolutely Should be Eating

Go green in a totally new area: your diet.

Abigail Wise
Article Reprintgreen food

There was probably a time in life when most green foods—Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, to name a few—repulsed you. You definitely weren’t alone. Many children are hesitant to pile green vegetables onto their plates. One possible explanation could be that green foods, such as Brussels sprouts, tend to be bitter, a sensation that your survival instinct tells you to avoid. Plus, children have a lot of sensitive taste buds. But as you grew up, you held on to fewer taste buds, slightly dulling the sense. Another possibility: You knew that naturally green foods (not to be confused with green Kool-Aid) were associated with the aim of eating healthier, and research suggests that children may be less likely to enjoy foods linked with goals.

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