A coming of age? Hip Hop at 40

His legendary parties and creative method of playing old funk records while isolating the drum beat portion known as “the break,” are major foundational aspects of Hip-Hop culture and history.

Hip-Hop consists of several primary elements: rapping, break dancing, graffiti and the role of the DJ. There are other aspects that are undeniably connected such as clothing and terminology. As a cultural art form,  it is undeniably true, Hip-Hop’s impact  is felt far beyond the place of its origin.

With 40th year anniversary commemorations taking place across the country, there are wildly varying  opinions of what Hip-Hop actually “is.” Some believe Hip-Hop music is simply a form of entertainment that can used as a means to perhaps escape poverty and achieve extreme wealth. Others believe it is an influential marketing tool to be used to sell products and popularize brands. Still others believe it should be used to amplify the voices of the oppressed by addressing relevant social, cultural, and political issues.

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