Americans Are Eating Too Much Bacon and Too Few Nuts: Study

In the study, too much salt was the biggest problem, linked with nearly 10 percent of the deaths. Overeating processed meats and undereating nuts and seeds and seafood each were linked with about 8 percent of the deaths.

The Food and Drug Administration’s recent voluntary sodium reduction guidelines for makers of processed foods and taxes that some U.S. cities have imposed on sugar-sweetened beverages are steps in the right direction, Micha said.

A journal editorial said public health policies targeting unhealthy eating could potentially help prevent some deaths, while noting that the study isn’t solid proof that “suboptimal” diets were deadly.

The study’s recommended amounts, based on U.S. government guidelines, nutrition experts’ advice, and amounts found to be beneficial or harmful in previous research.

“Good” ingredients

—Fruits: 3 average-sized fruits daily

—Vegetables: 2 cups cooked or 4 cups raw vegetables daily

—Nuts/seeds: 5 1-ounce servings per week — about 20 nuts per serving

—Whole grains: 2 ½ daily servings

—Polyunsaturated fats, found in many vegetable oils: 11 percent of daily calories

—Seafood: about 8 ounces weekly

“Bad” ingredients

—Red meat: 1 serving weekly — 1 medium steak or the equivalent

—Processed meat: None recommended

—Sugary drinks: None recommended

—Salt: 2,000 milligrams daily — just under a teaspoon.

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