Are You A Sugar Addict (4 questions)

Sugar is linked to obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, headaches, and fatigue. Nevertheless, many people might not even know they have a problem. Here are the top 4 signs that you might be addicted to sugar.

1. You eat sugar when emotional
Ask yourself: Why do I actually want this chocolate? Is it to enjoy one piece of chocolate? Or is it because your co-worker just snapped at you and you don’t want to lose your job? If you find that your intention for having the chocolate is to soothe yourself, it might be best to step away from your desk and go for a 10-minute walk outside the office instead.

2.  You crave simple carbohydrates
A sneaky way for your addiction to manifest itself is by your body craving simple carbohydrates. After consuming them they turn into sugar very quickly and can feed your body’s addiction to sugar.  Croissants, white bread, pasta,white rice, and pastries are the most popular simple carbohydrates that sugar addicts will crave.

3.  You crave meat or salty foods
A healthy body always strives toward balance, too much expanding food creates a craving for contracting food, and vice versa. For example, if you eat too much salt or animal foods (meat products) you will crave sweets to make a balance.

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