Calvin’s Undisputed Truth: America Has Lost Its Righteous Morals

Why are laws being passed that are against God’s Law?
The people of the United States should look at their values. They elect the government so they have the power to eradicate them. If there morals are wrong then they will vote on bills and laws that are wrong. Like same-sex marriage, which is wrong; how did this law even get on the Congress floor?
You might ask why it’s wrong; well because two men or two women having sexual intercourse can’t have a baby. Let’s see what does the Bible has to say about it.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with woman kind: it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 8:22)
So you see God ain’t cool with same-sex marriage. In other words they will not be practicing their trade in God’s kingdom. Like Abortion is still murder and the bible says: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13) But our country passes legislation’s that permit these things.

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