Cold Water vs Room Temp water

By: Siddiqu The Personal Trainer 

Article Submissioncold-water

The longstanding debate is which water is better for you cold or room temperature to drink?  The truth is you just need to drink water and more of it.  Water is great for weight loss because it has 0 calories.  For example, switching your morning orange juice for a glass of water every day for a year would save you more than 40,000 calories annually, which is equivalent to almost 12 pounds of fat.  Some people swear by cold water and some swear by room temperature but let’s end this debate once and for all.  The temperature of the water which is better for you…depends on what you are doing.  Yep are you exercising and drinking water, are you about to sing a song at church, are you sitting at your desk, are you just trying to hydrate more so you are drinking water during the day, what exactly are you drinking water for and what are you doing while you drink it? 

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