FAA puts no-fly zone over Arkansas oil spill with Exxon employee in charge

Double standardoil spill 3

Exxon media relations manager Alan Jeffers told RT via email that teams are working directly with residents of Mayflower and are“paying all valid claims relating to the spill and providing interim housing for people from the homes which the city of Mayflower recommended be evacuated following Friday’s spill.”
However, resident Chris Harrell tweeted after meeting with ExxonMobil that claims would only be dealt with individually and following the completion of the cleanup.
He added that ExxonMobil had given no assurances as to when the cleanup would be finished.

Just spoke with @exxonmobil claims dept. “Compensation for property values and inconvenience will be addressed after clean up is complete.”

— chris harrell (@shiftymcfive01) April 3, 2013

Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, who spoke of future litigation as a “certainty,” derided attempts by ExxonMobil representatives to manage his visit to the site.
Speaking of potential reductions of property value in wake of the spill, McDaniel said that monetary loses resulting from those attempting to sell their houses “should not fall on the shoulders of homeowners.”
He added that he had issued a subpoena for documents, data and other evidence from ExxonMobil pertaining to the ruptured pipeline.
Lawyers from ExxonMobil were set to arrive Wednesday in Mayflower, Arkansas, where more than 10,000 gallons of oil spilled from a pipeline in the town over the weekend.

Article Appeared @http://rt.com/usa/faa-zone-exxon-employee-306/

Also Appeared @http://blackubiquity.com/business




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