Have Funerals Turned into the New Day Parties?

As a culture, it’s hard to decipher where this type of dress code derived from because it’s again, an unspoken rule so it’s kind of like you see others doing it so you do it also to keep up with everyone else.  It’s really sad that the focus has shifted from the deceased at funerals to more concerns about who is wearing what designer this or that or watching cat calling happening from the men.  To me, it’s pure disrespectful behavior at a funeral.

In case you don’t know what day parties are, they are typically parties operating in a club, lounge or bar during the day time hours on weekends, between 1pm-6pm.  Usually, persons in their mid-30’s to late 40’s attend these day parties mainly because our bodies have gotten older, our bedtimes are now 9pm and it takes us longer periods of time to recover from drinking.  So think about it, if you attend a day party on Sunday from 3pm-6pm, you’re back home and in bed by 9pm and can function at work on Monday morning without having a hangover.

Certain things you shouldn’t wear in certain environments and at certain times.  You definitely should have the freedom of expressing yourself through your clothes but at what point do you do self-reflection and say to yourself, “This may be inappropriate to wear for this occasion.”  Lastly, have respect for yourself at all times regardless of the garments you wear and if you have doubts about wearing something, then you probably shouldn’t wear it.

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