Hood ghosts, memory molcules and epigenetics

Evolution of destruction

Darwin taught us that evolutionary changes takes place over many generations. A British Biologist by the name of Rupert Sheldrake   has taken Darwin’s theory on another level; his theory of genetic memory remains a controversy. His theory is about how we obtain traits through our DNA from ancestors. He believes every living organism has an undetectable field around it called Morphic fields that incorporate actions and then pass them on through the Morphic field to their next generation. His theory was considered by his peers as unproven and at best supernatural.

Biologist Sheldrake proved them wrong by using savant syndrome patients; a rare condition in which persons with severe disabilities exhibit abilities that only a genius could have, these traits include extraordinary skills in art, music, and lightning calculation, also mechanical and special abilities. Normal people with these skills are considered ‘prodigy’ or ‘genius.’ Where does the savants genius comes from? How do they instinctively, at an early age know the rules of music, art, mathematics, in some cases sports? Some scientists say they are born with a software factory installed. This special brain circuitry enables them to know things instinctively.

When you consider the brilliant work of Ortiz, Dr. Bygren, Biologist Sheldrake and many others that scientific evidence is on the brink of proving that powerful environ and in vitro conditions can leave an indelible imprint on humans from the womb to the tomb?

I believe that trans generational urban violence, along with other socio/ cultural factors-is having an effect on the genetic material of unborn black babies. I believe the deviant barbaric violence in the black community is inextricably linked to epigenetics, genetic memory, PTSD and institutional racism. All of these relatively new-scientific tools are proving that the answer for socio-cultural problems lies beyond nature and nurture. At its most basic, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to successive generations. The epigenome-sits on top of the genome; It is these epigenetic marks that tell your genes to switch on or off, to be ‘peaceful’ or ‘kill’   It is through epigenetic marks, ancestral and genetic memory, PTSP, that cultural factors like racism, pre-natal nutrition, gangsta’ rap, urban violence, fear and self-hatred can make an imprint from one generation to the next.


Article Appeared in The Black Truth News Volume 4 Issue 6 May 20, 2013


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