I Rather Stay in My Jail Cell Than Get Paid $2 Dollars to Shovel Snow in Freezing Chicago Cold

By: Jarrod Horton

Staff Writer

Photos of Chicago Cook County inmates shoveling snow in Chicago hit the internet and went viral. It is not uncommon for inmates to be assigned duties around facility and surrounding areas. However, temperatures in Chicago have plummeted to a record low. This week have been well below the freezing mark, including the wind chill, it has gone as low as -50 degrees. Many people have said putting the inmates in those conditions is akin to modern day slavery.

Yesterday (01.29.19) Kara Smith of the Cook County Sheriff’s Office said  “We take our responsibilities to those in our custody very seriously and that extends to when we have people working out in the elements.” Smith also stated that  inmates were provided insulated jumpsuits, gloves and a warming van nearby. Not to mention that they will be paid $2 dollars for the job.

It would been better if she had just they will be compensated for their work. The fact that she said that they are getting paid two dollars, gives the indication that this is indeed slave labor. Personally, I think I would have preferred to stay in my cell than to go out in the cold. I went outside this morning to start my car and that weather is no joke. Since I’m not in jail, it is easy for me to say that I would preferred being in a cell than to go outside in the cold. I’m sure it’s some brothers in there who just want to breathe some fresh air; regardless of the temperature. It makes me think, to be in a cell or go outside at least once a day? What would you prefer? Leave your comments below.  

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