Is Diet Soda Bad for You?

5. Depression – Diet drinks are linked to feelings of sadness. Doctors and psychologists both agree that you should replace any soda or diet soda drinking habit with the habit of drinking water. In the long run, your body will benefit greatly from you making the switch over to water. Just this simple trade off could result in you shedding pounds and slimming down a couple waist sizes.

Diet Soda History Diet Rite was the first cola that consumers got the chance to taste in 1958. It was largely unpopular due to the bitter after taste.

Nowadays, it is still a battle to perfect the diet soda taste but there are loyal diet soda drinkers everywhere. Coca Cola brought Coke Zero to the market and announced that they had finally achieved the taste of a regular soda in a diet beverage. Coca Cola made it a point to not include the word ‘diet’ in the name of their new drink.

With the introduction of new types of sweeteners, and the opportunity to create different blends of artificial sweeteners, the diet soda industry has changed drastically over the past couple decades. However, one thing remains the same – cutting out both regular and diet soda is still important for long term health.

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