Lyor Cohen Named YouTube’s Global Head of Music

Update (4:41 p.m.): Below is Cohen’s letter to his staff at 300.

Dear 300,

Looking back on the last three years of amazing work and effort put forth by everyone in this building, it is obvious to me that 300 has made massive steps forward in identifying and proving the efficacy of the boutique label concept.  I believe that there is a lot of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge between the creative community and new distribution and I intend to contribute my resources in helping to solve this riddle. This desire to contribute to the greater health of this business, while also bringing my experience and reputation as an artist advocate, has helped reassure me in accepting the job as Global Head of Music for YouTube.

300 has consistently put ourselves in the position to build lasting and meaningful relationships with the amazing artists we work with. Through 300’s successes, I hope we have helped light the way for others to follow in this model of creating a creative hub that is both a great partner to artists and determined to succeed.  300 is and will always be dear to me, and I hope that our company continues to show the success that comes from a dedicated, close-knit, and hardworking group of people.

I will be here the next 60 days to lead this transition. So it is imperative, that you all continue to be excellent and strive to be 300, not 176. Be a collaborative and thoughtful creative company that has a deep and trustworthy relationship with its artists, and don’t forget, as long as you’re busy being born, you won’t be busy dying. 

With great respect, love, and admiration,


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