Mentors Matter Much

Finding Mentors

You need not be in the same situation as James to benefit from mentors. As I discovered during my teen years, forming a relationship with a respected, knowledgeable and caring older person can often enhance a young person’s life.

Sadly, we live in an age where some older people try to take advantage of younger people. Be sure to be wise in your choice of mentors. A mentor who tries to draw you into activities that benefit him but that put you at risk is not a proper mentor. A mentor who pushes you into activities that you know are illegal, or that are against God’s law, should be avoided. If your relationship with a mentor causes friction with other adults in your life, be sure to seek good counsel, and trust that those who are already proven to have your best interest in mind may be right in discouraging you from a relationship that may cause harm.

Thankfully, there are many different ways to find wonderful mentors who can add immeasurably to your life. Perhaps you already know some people in your neighborhood, church or school who would enjoy the opportunity to teach a skill, share their life experiences or simply spend time with you. If there is one such person who already fills this role for you, appreciate the opportunity you have been given, and try to soak up as much as you can from this individual.

There are many youth agencies available to provide mentoring to those without other resources. A search for such agencies in the United States is available on the Web site. If you live outside the U.S., check for similar organizations in the country where you live.

Perhaps you are at a place in your life where you can take someone under your wing to become a mentor yourself. Many older teens can be positive role models for younger children, able to help them to gain confidence and ability. If you find yourself able to be such an influence, look for opportunities to help others around you.

While looking for mentors, be sure not to overlook the special help that is always available to anyone at any time. Jesus set the perfect example of one who was all about giving for the benefit of others, and is now available to help those who seek Him. Perhaps the best way to ensure success is to learn how Jesus handled Himself in various situations. The New Testament gospel accounts record His actions and words that He said brought life (John 6:63). By striving to live as He lived, you will always be following the best possible mentor (1 John 2:6).

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