Oculus Rift Is More Than Just a Game — It’s a Whole New Virtual World

Bringing VR into the world of film and media will require developers and directors to figure out how items and story parts are queued, how environments are handled, what the user perspective is and so on.

Even with those challenges in place, however, the concept of using VR to tell more interactive types of stories with game elements is exciting. When I think about the renaissance of 3D games in the mid-1990s, titles such as Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, helped usher in a new wave of storytelling in games that persists to this day. With VR, it has the potential to persist in a way that is truly cinematic.

What would be really incredible is if whole new stories could be told utilizing VR. I’m a big proponent of the second screen, especially when it comes to creating new ways of telling stories. VR is the ultimate second screen — because it’s its own world.

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