Protecting Those Pearly Whites: All About Tooth Enamel Erosion.

Problem Signs to Look Out For

There are a number of signs that you can look out for that can indicate a problem with your tooth enamel. One of the most common is a pain or sensitivity in your teeth, especially when eating sweet food, drinks, or hot or cold food.

Dentine is darker and more yellow that enamel, so if you notice that your teeth are yellowing, this could also indicate a problem with erosion of enamel.

Sometimes the edges of the teeth may become rough and can even chip due to a loss of enamel. You may also spot dents in the teeth, and none of these signs should be ignored.

Treatment for Enamel Erosion

If you suspect that your teeth are suffering from enamel erosion, make sure you visit your dentist as soon as possible. Book an appointment with a trained specialist such as Winnipeg Orthodontists, and they will help to resolve the problem.

Treatment may include bonding, which can protect teeth that have become worn down or chipped. If a greater amount of damage has been caused, a veneer or crown may be used instead.


  1. I’ve learn that when destine is darker and more yellow that enamel, so if you notice that your teeth are yellowing, this could also indicate a problem with erosion of enamel.

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