Sarah Palin Sues New York Times for Defamation

The complaint, filed in Manhattan federal court, states that “at the time of publication, The Times knew and had published pieces acknowledging that there was no connection between Mrs. Palin and Loughner’s 2011 shooting.”

“In doing so, The Times violated the law and its own policies,” it reads.

Messrs. Turkel, Vogt, and Ricardo said Palin “seeks to hold The Times to its November 13, 2016, pledge [‘to rededicate itself to reporting facts honestly and holding power to account’], and to face both journalistic and financial accountability for the false statements that it published about Mrs. Palin.”

As Breitbart News previously noted, Palin indicated on Twitter that she was “considering suing the New York Times for libel” the day after the Times published its editorial even though “it has long been established that there has never been any evidence whatsoever linking Palin to the attempted assassination.”

(1/2) @nytopinion – commonsense suggestion by a journalist, am talking to attorneys this AM and exploring options. BTW, wonder..


(2/2) …WHY someone would no longer be in public eye? Think constant libel & slander have anything to do with it? 


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