Subway Executives Allegedly Knew About Jared Fogle Having Sex With 9-Year-Olds

Mills, who was a Subway franchisee from 2006 to 2012 in Florida, alerted executives in 2008, but the company allegedly ignored her complaints.

“I thought, ‘This man has a lot of money. Subway has a lot money. They have made each other a lot of money,'” Mills said of why she then decided to hire a lawyer. “I was worried. I was scared to death.” Her lawyer then informed her that Subway couldn’t be held accountable because Fogle wasn’t technically an employe. Fogle, before being dropped by the company, was employed by the Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust. After contacting Subway about Fogle’s disturbing remarks, they directed her to Jeff Moody, former CEO of SFAFT.

While telling Moody about Fogle’s confessions, Mills says that he cut her off, telling her, “Please don’t tell me anymore.” “He said, ‘Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will help keep him grounded.’”

“Every time I would see him on TV in a commercial with his arms around these children, it would kill me,” Mills said. “I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

Mills claims she never went to the police because she was scared. “I thought, ‘No one is going to believe me, he looks like the all-American boy’ — but he’s not.”

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