The C-Suite Insider: Clif Bar CEO Kevin Cleary Pays Workers to Exercise 2.5 Hours a Week

Do you ever sign off?

“I don’t send out emails at night. I don’t send them out on the weekend. I may do work, but I won’t send out an email,” Cleary said. “I don’t want to set the expectation that people should be working at 7 or 8 at night. I get home at 6:30. I put the phone in my home office. I leave it there, then I’m just dedicated to my kids. Once a week, I cut out of work early and I’m coaching my twins — they are 6 — their soccer team, and I coach their baseball team. It’s important for people to see me doing that and see it’s okay.”

How long does it take you to bike to work?

“I try to do this once or twice a week where I leave the house around 7 and I commute. It’s about 25 miles to work on bike. Then at the end of the day, I’m back on my bike, getting back home. It’s a great way to just think about things, think about business, think about my life. It’s my time,” Cleary said. “It takes about 1 hour, 20 minutes each way.”

How do you hydrate?

“Water. I actually don’t drink any caffeine,” he said. “Never coffee, sodas, stuff like that. Water is what gets me through. I make sure I’ve got a full glass with me I’m carrying around any time.”

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