Tony Parker, the ADL & the “French Farrakhan”

The Paris-based Jewish mega-banker Salomon de Rothschild declared that if he were an American, he would be a “Staunch Slavery Man,” and he urged his family to support the pro-slavery rebels.

•            The French Jew Jean Lafitte specialized in smuggling African slaves into places where it had been made illegal. He sold as many as 400 Blacks in a single day. His operation was so extensive that he was said to monopolize Louisiana’s import trade and the commerce of the entire Mississippi Valley. A mere gesture?

•            And who will forget the Jewish role in the Algerian War of Independence between 1954 and 1962, which led to that African nation gaining its independence from France? Jewish writer Alfred Memmi’s description, in his most important work The Colonizer and the Colonized, is chilling: “[U]nlike the Moslems, the [Jews] passionately endeavored to identify themselves with the French. To them the West was the paragon of all civilization, all culture.…His [the Jew’s] privileges were laughable, but they were enough to make him proud and to make him hope that he was not part of the mass of Moslems….The Jews bore arms side by side with the French in the streets of Algiers.”

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