Uncle Fridge’s Pulpit

I remember enjoying the reputation we all had in the nasty 9-0′s with respects to murder and all sorts of mayhem; the 90′s were a very macabre and depraved time in our history.

So it’s the 2000′s.

Breaks my heart now that I’m a 39-year-old survivor of the crack era/War on Drugs campaign. And strangely most of the shooters are 19 year olds, the same age that I went down on this case…Or should I say cases.

I teach two classes officially in this prison and one unofficial class. One is called My Brother’s keeper. It was founded by an ex-con years back and we keep it alive today. It’s an open forum where men from all creeds and backgrounds explore the sources of our values, morals, ethics, etc. The other is titled Cultural Awareness. Here all the black groups come together and do basically the same thing in My Brother’s Keeper except we delve deeper into the metaphysical and spiritual side of things. We investigate with a fine tooth comb the origins of the religions we as black folk and others claim as our own. We have Christians, N.O.I., Moorish Science, 5% Nation and one Hebrew Israelite amongst us. We gave open invites to the white fellows, but they respectfully decline this class, but it’s open to all. The last class is the Moorish Study group because I am a member of the M.S.T.Of.A. Because no one comes in off the streets to instruct our courses in here, theologically speaking, we have to make due.

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