Who is more at fault: The person cheating or the person they are cheating with?

By: Jarrod Horton

Staff Writer

Recently it has to come the light that NBA superstar Carmelo Anthony and his actress wife of 10 years La La Anthony are separating. It is reported that Carmelo cheated with a young lady named Mia Angel Burks, 25, who is from Chicago. While her identity was being revealed by her associates, it was also stated that Mia was “plotting” on Carmelo. It was also stated through Balleralert.com that this isn’t the first Mia has dated an athlete or someone famous. She has also been linked with dating reality television star Ryan Henry of Black Ink. With that being said, do you think she was being a predator on the hunt for a dude with money? Or do you think regardless of the pressure of women throwing the goods at him; Carmelo should have kept his private parts in his pants? What do you think?  Who is more at fault in the situation of infidelity? Is it the overzealous side piece, who is willing to compromise their position and mess up a relationship/marriage? Or is it the person who steps out of their commitment and cheats on their partner? Leave your comments below and let us know what you think.

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