Women Can’t Handle the Truth

Women can’t handle the truth about men!

What’s funny is y’all will probably disagree, but yeah I’m convinced. Somewhere in the purgatory that lies between expectations and reality, stands women who believe that their perception of men SHOULD be identical, but get frustrated when the reality is totally different.  It comes out in arguments, blog comments, behavioural patterns, even in pop culture! I even remember last year when we had our now infamous “You Mad?!” week, where we were accused of woman bashing, when in fact we were doing what women do about men from the time they come out the womb: VENTING! This is not a generalization but an observation that I had for a while. Allow me to expound upon this topic further:

Women think men think all the same, and discredit their opinions on relationships

For years, we’ve been force fed the notion of men being “simple creatures” and women being “emotional creatures”. I hate these terms as much as I hate seeing “Bad Girls Club” tweets on my timeline while I’m trying to watch the BCS championship! We here so much about “what men want” and “what women go through to give it to them”, that it almost seems like our opinion is always met with a O_0 and a “yeah aite”. I think that it’s a built in “kanyeshrug” from women to downplay our views on these topics because frankly, you think you are better at this dating/relationship life than men and since you are the “experts” or “most experienced”, our word isn’t as valuable.

Think about this though, all those questions you ask, those crazy situations, those wtf moments when you don’t know how a relationship broke down or why a dude stepped out on you? Well, some of us have been THAT dude, lived THAT life, and know THOSE motives behind the actions. Some of us have seen these situations unfold from watching our boys go through it and give their perspective. Some have friends just like you who go through the struggle  and have great advice. We, as men, have an insider knowledge for you to have a better understanding, similar to on the job experience and wisdom, so wouldn’t we have a better perspective than you?

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