Women: Is the “Hoe Phase” A Result of ‘Insecure’ Relationships from Men Or A Personal Choice?

Have men driven women to this point? Has our mistreatment of our women been that bad? Have women got to the point where they said: fuck it, if we can’t beat them; let’s join them. If so, we as men need to make a change. Because not only have some women taken on the men’s behavior, they have borrowed our identity.

The characteristics of courtship are also becoming reversed. Women are gradually becoming the aggressor when it comes to men and women getting together. Going back to the episode of Insecure, Issa chose and pursued the man she wanted. She picked him out, then down to his apartment, and made the first advance toward sex. This is similar to the character in the hit show Power.

The character of Tasha went over to her target lover, resisted his denial, made her advance, and had sex. In the process, she cheated on her husband. I’m not going to go into detail about who was wrong or right on that show,  because I have seen the debates on social media all week about this it. To sum it up and bow out gracefully, yes I know her husband cheated first, and no I not calling her a thot or a hoe.

In fact, I’m not trying to call out anyone. I’m just saying it feels weird. It feels strange that women are now the ones who are ‘hitting it and quitting it.’ It is not normal for me to see women, holler at a dude, take him out, take him home, screw him and kick him out. Or for a dude to move in with a woman and she takes care of him. Call me sexist or someone who watches too much Animal Planet, but I’m used to the mating of the jungle. The lion, bear, or elephant claims their woman, putting the smack down and then he becomes the head of the pack.  

Don’t get it twisted though, there are a lot of women who don’t mind the ‘normal’ order of operation. They would love for a man to pursue them, commit properly, and take care of his responsibilities. They would love to step aside and let the man be the MAN. But it’s not that easy sometimes. There is apathy amongst our men. There are dudes who are womanizers. There is an emasculation of men, especially Black men, through incarceration, metrosexuality, lack of opportunities, and insecurities. Whatever the case may be and how relevant it is to the topsy-turvy nature of our community is another story. What I do know is until we as men step up and take our place as MEN. Some of these women will keep putting us in our place.  

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