Women who post sexy photos to social media are seen as less competent

In all three areas, the “non-sexy” profile fared better, with respondents finding the covered-up Amanda prettier, friendlier and more qualified to complete a given task. Daniels and Zurbriggen found the largest disparity between photos in the category of task competence, indicating that “a young woman’s capabilities are really dinged by the sexy photo.”

Daniels and Zurbriggen believe the study raises important questions about the way we perceive females, like why we focus so heavily on girls’ appearances and what this can tell us about gender. But the biggest takeaway, according to the researchers, is that young women should be careful about how they portray themselves online. “We really need to help youth understand this is a very public forum,” Daniels said, calling her findings “a clear indictment of sexy social media photos.” Her advice to girls and young women? “Don’t focus so heavily on appearance … Focus on who you are as a person and what you do in the world.” Daniels also added that posting photos of women participating in favorite hobbies or sports and showcasing their identities is a better way to go.

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