Home> U.S. Escaped Florida Killers May Have Paid $8,000 for Forged Release Papers

While it is unclear how the two men managed pay for their Panama City hotel room, FLDE Commissioner Gerald Bailey said that there is speculation that Jenkins and Walker paid a source to commit the forgery leading to their escape.

“There is speculation, an underlying speculation that there was a source where, for a certain sum of money, that these documents could be constructed for $8,000,” he said today at a news conference in Tallahassee, Fla. “Whether that is true or not will be determined.”

Investigators were interviewing the two escapees this afternooon at Bay County Jail, Bailry said.

“While the manhunt is over, there is still a lot we do not know,” he said.

Jenkins and Walker had been in Bay County, Fla., for approximately two days when they were found at the hotel, Bailey said. He didn’t know where the two convicts had hunkered down previously, but noted that they didn’t have many possessions with them when they were taken into custody Saturday night.

At their first court appearance this afternoon, the judge ordered the convicts back to the custody of the state.

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