4 Couple Workout Tips

2. Know What Workouts You Like

You must enjoy the activities you do in order for them to stick! You can’t hate running and expect it to be a sustainable addition to your regular fitness routine. But because of fitness fads, trends, and even our own idealism, it’s easy for us to get trapped in a fitness routine we think we should be doing.

If you’ve stopped enjoying your fitness routine, reflect on what feels good and brings you joy. There’s no single approach to successfully achieving your fitness goals. In reality, there are tons of activities to help you get your movement in for the day.

3. Mix Up Your Workouts

People with the healthiest relationships with exercise balance their workouts with a mix of activities – including high and low impact, cardio and strength, lower and upper body. While it may not be what you want to hear, general balance in your fitness routine will reduce your risk for injury – and make you stronger for the activities you do enjoy most.

As a collegiate track athlete, I was the first to admit early morning weights and after-hours stretching weren’t my favorite parts of the week. However, they were things I knew I needed to get done to maintain my physical health, remain injury free, and improve my performance on the track. So I showed up.

4. Don’t Work Out to Eat, Eat to Work Out

If I got a dollar every time I heard someone say ‘I earned these tacos’ or ‘I do it for the donuts,’ I’d be rich!

Food is not something you need to earn, and your motivation for exercise should not be food. Our bodies require a minimum number of calories simply to survive, and exercise requires even more energy.

Siddiqu “The Personal Trainer” is a CPT, motivational speaker, author of How Are You Fat and Saved?! He is also the Co-creator of the largest bootcamp in Chicago The No Excuse Bootcamp.

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