A New HIV Strain Is Running Wild In Siberia

That hasn’t happened. In essence, they have a super spreading virus with no  idea as to its source.

As to the future, Gashnikova points out in her papers that there is much work  to be done both at the molecular and the sociological levels. There will be more  papers and definitely more attention from epidemiologists. But there may be a  time limit before the curious turns into the catastrophic.

While it appears there is little indication that the virus will spread  outside of Novosibirsk at the moment, in the next few months, another area of  Russia — Sochi — will be hosting the world for the Winter Olympics. If this  strain somehow finds its way across the 2,000 mile distance between these two  cities, then there could be a significant increase not only in the number of  cases, but the overall spread worldwide.

If this happens, epidemiologists will once again be tackled with the burden  of not only tracking the CRF02_AG/A strain, but also finding ways to stop it.  Unfortunately, unlike SARS, MERS, H5N1 and pandemic flu, HIV has been spreading  without cessation for over thirty years. As Gashnikova suggests in her articles,  this problem needs to be studied and stopped as soon as possible. If not, the  consequences may be far worse than imagined.

This post originally appeared at Popular Science.  Copyright  2013.

Read more:  http://www.popsci.com/blog-network/under-microscope/startling-surge-siberian-hiv-strain#ixzz2jQJ6jZmU

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