Education in Chicago: Shut up and go to school!

I know another guy—what up, KP—who pulls his son, now a teenager, from school every year to watch the Cubs home opener. Cause it’s tradition!

I also know parents who let their kids miss school so they could all fly to another town for a Bruce Springsteen concert.

They went to Parker—or maybe it was Latin—which explains how they could afford to fly their kids across the country to see Springsteen in the first place.

In other words, although it’s commendable to have perfect attendance, there are all sorts of reason—good or bad—to miss a day or two of school.

In fact, I bet you anything that a young man by the name of Rahm Emanuel missed a day or two for one reason or another back in his glory days at New Trier West.

Which brings me to my main point . . .

As hard as this may be to believe, I’m skeptical that Mayor Emanuel’s being completely truthful when he insists that he believes children should never, ever, ever miss a day of school.

Or as he put it: “I don’t think we have a day, I don’t think we have a minute, I don’t think we have a year to waste when it comes to the education of our children.”

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