Fighting Weight: The Jump Rope Workout

3 minutes jump rope Bounce from one foot to the other, either  jumping on each foot just once before alternating, or changing foot every two or  three jumps.

5 push-ups, 5 dips, 5 sit-ups Use same form as above.

3 minutes jump rope This time, do “high knees,” alternating feet  and bringing your knees up until your thighs are parallel with the ground on  each jump.

60 seconds push-ups You’re going to be a little winded by now, but  do regular push-ups with the same form as above for a full minute. The goal is  to try to get 60.

3 minutes jump rope Do “high knees,” alternating feet and bringing  your knees up until your thighs are parallel with the ground on each jump.

60 seconds leg lifts Lay on your back and make a diamond with your  hands under your tailbone for support. Keeping your legs straight, raise them  until they are perpendicular to the ground. Still keeping them straight, lower  them until your heels lightly touch the ground. Do this as many times as you can  in a minute.

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