Geronimo Pratt Remembers Johnnie Cochran

Johnnie, who last time we spoke, had told me, “G, I’m coming. I told you I was coming. I am coming to the mama land with you!!!” And true to his word, he is right here with me. I can feel his presence grow stronger as the sun ascends over these sacred lands of the Great Rift Valley where life began. He is talking to me now. “Look out for Chief.” “Tell Ed to be cool.” “Tell Stu not to worry.” “Take care of Ginny.”

It’s not easy to try and put into words one’s feelings at a time like this. So many words and pictures come to mind that it is very hard to put them in order and transcribe them. What I can say is this: Johnnie was a beautiful brother, who even after becoming well versed in the ugly reality of Cointelpro always remained a calming influence for me, encouraging forgiveness for all those puppets that were being exploited by the system.


Despite the sick, sadistic practices of the government and its stooges, as documented in their own records, Johnnie continued to believe in the goodness of everyday people, who were being used as he used to say, “For they know not what they do.”

Johnnie would want us all to keep forgiveness in our hearts, but to remain vigilant of these rats, which are now going to come out of the woodwork and claim friendships with Johnnie and sing his praises just to promote themselves and their egos. Johnnie never bought into the ego trip, and was always willing to give his time and energy to represent the most underrepresented in society. He was a man with a heart as big as Yogi Pinell’s.

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