GOP Reveals Diversity Plan Via Latino Governor of New Mexico

Martinez who is the nation’s first Latino Governor has been leading the efforts to diversify the party since 2012.  The efforts to generate momentum during the 2012 presidential election were not substantial for the party with 90 percent of the black voters backing President Obama, and he was also leading with 70 percent of the Hispanic votes.  The ideal of increasing the diversity within the Republican Party dynamics would definitely add value to the party in the upcoming elections.

“It’s a great move and it’s the only way the party can survive in the next 10 to 15 years,” said Hector Barajas, a California GOP consultant. “Elections themselves are all about addition and multiplication, not division and subtraction.”

The big challenge that the party will have is developing strategy along the lines of triggering interest of minorities and women. The biggest plus that the party has at this point is the moral standing that is backed by the traditional church views. If the party base could trigger the interest of Conservative Democrats and Independents, by adding some middle class solutions they might have a slight chance of increasing their party base.

The chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, Sam Bregman, said that the party views will have to be altered to justify minorities and women to even consider the Republican Party.

“This must be a joke,” Bregman said. “It’s obvious why they aren’t attractive to minorities and women. It’s because their values don’t reflect the values of minorities and women.”

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