How to Protect Yourself in a Pandemic

quartine 6Since retirement, he has gone on to teach preparations to people on warfare and pandemics. He is also a CERT trainer and travels abroad to teach other countries what to do in earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Please take advantage of what this man has to offer, as we forward his information, with his blessings, to you.

Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine 

I have been asked repeatedly about how to quarantine properly and so this private memorandum is being written to respond to that question.

The first thing we need to consider is why we are quarantining. Remember quarantine is due to a biological event and not a chemical or nuclear incident. For these last two, you should be sheltering in place. A proper quarantine will protect you from whatever it is you are trying to protect against, henceforth there will be discussion of different stages of quarantine.

1. The first and most basic stage is to go home lock the doors and stay there. D O N O T try to seal up your home with duct tape and plastic as you will not have enough oxygen to breathe within a very short time.


This method is used for chemical events where you need to be indoors for a very short period of time. Most quarantine will last days if not weeks and months. At this stage you can actually go out in to your front yard or back yard and breathe the air just fine just as long as you do not breathe someone else’s air that might be infected with an airborne communicable disease or virus. This could include certain animals and insects, all depending on the biological involved.


All infected people should remain a good distance (minimum 20 feet) away from you and anyone else sheltering with you. Anyone (again including certain animals and some insects) that has been in a possibly infected area should be kept separate (quarantined separate) from you until they have sought proper medical attention (if it is available) and been cleared or they have run the course of waiting the required length of time to be sure that symptoms will or will not show up.


Remember in most biological symptoms do not show up for several days.
(Note from NSF – we have been examining the historical record for latency and infectious periods for example, for the 1918 pandemic and for the un-weaponized Avian Flu).

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