How to Save One Million Dollars

Don’t Forget About Taxes and Inflation

It’s also important to remember that, while hitting that 7-figure mark is still a major milestone, $1 million today won’t be worth that much in 25 years. Assuming an average inflation rate of 3%, it would only be worth around $475,000 in 25 years. (Over the last decade, the average annual inflation rate was less than 2.5%, but over the last quarter-century, the average annual inflation rate has been a little over 3%.)

If you want an inflation and tax-adjusted balance of $1 million by age 65, you may need to save upwards of $2,600 per month from age 35, or $3,200 per month from age 40, assuming an 8% return, and not including investment fees or state taxes. (We know: GULP.) Of course, that’s also assuming that you’re starting from scratch and accounting for 3% annual inflation. (You can do your own calculations with Bankrate’s inflation calculator tool.)

We know that may seem daunting; most people aren’t in a position to save $2,600 or more per month. But it does highlight the importance of starting early, or retiring a little later, in order to reach your retirement savings goal. Hopefully, you don’t have to start from scratch and you can build upon some base savings. You will help yourself a lot by saving extra cash (e.g. bonuses, tax refunds, inheritances) in tax-advantaged retirement accounts whenever possible, opening no or low-fee IRAs at a discount brokerage firm, and choosing lower-cost investments like indexed mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. Whatever your goal, the most important step you can take is to start saving anything you can now so your money can start growing and you’ll be that much closer to reaching $1 million, or whatever your personal retirement savings goal may be.

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