Is Sugar Addiction Why So Many January Diets Fail?

Some self-identified sugar addicts have managed to eliminate it from their diets, and those who are successful swear by it.

“I have not had refined sugar or flour in about 15 years, and I do not feel deprived,” Michael Prager, a journalist who writes and speaks on food addiction, tells me. “I just found that life was better without it.”

Health authorities agree that Americans’ current habit of consuming an average of 22 teaspoons, or 110 grams, of sugar per day is too much. The American Heart Association suggests that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons (30 grams) a day, and men limit themselves to 9 teaspoons (45 grams) a day.

I doubt I’m consuming 22 teaspoons a day — I’m not a soda drinker, nor do I binge on cookies or ice cream. But regardless of whether the quantity you consume is excessive by these standards, if you’re like me, the frequency and strength of the sugar cravings alone may be enough to drive you to seek help.When I eat sugar, I can feel something devilish turn on in my brain: a voice saying, “More, more, more.”

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