Married Pastor Arrested after Allegedly Passing HIV to Women in His Church

Secondly, the pastor’s denial of his condition and unwillingness to go to the doctor is quite common. Many women are accustomed to getting regular STD screenings as part of their annual checkup. Men are not raised in the same way. There are men I know who sleep with literally dozens of women every single year and haven’t been to the doctor since MC Hammer had a hit record. Even worse, many women don’t ask and certainly don’t confirm the man’s HIV status as much as they check the size of his bank account or the magnitude of his “swag” factor. The fact is that if you think he’s got swag, then a lot of other women do too.

Men like Pastor Davis are allowed to prey on unsuspecting women for at least three reasons:

1) Many women value style over substance – if you look good, then you must be good. I am amazed at how superficial traits are valued more than more meaningful factors, like the content of a man’s character. Mind you, men make the same mistake, since they falsely believe that when a pretty girl offers you sex, you’re supposed to take it.

One comment

  1. Kevin asked “what must a pastor do renalasboy well to be a good pastor?”A while back, I started to notice that some of what I thought was “truth”from the Word of God was actually “traditions of men” “hand-me-down religion,”that makes the Word of God of non effect. ( Mark 7:6-13 ) I started to notice that what I was taught about **today’s**“Pastors/Leaders,” wasn’t lining up with what was found in scripture. For starters When searching for what a “Pastor/Leader” does **Today** in the Bible,I had a very rude awakening. I found NO Pastors in Pulpits Preaching to People in Pews. When folks came together, every one has a psalm, has a doctrine, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. 1 Cor 14:26. Every one can and is expected to participate. Today we have pew potatoes.NO “disciple of Christ” “calling” another brethren Pastor, or “My” Pastor.NO “disciple of Christ” “calling” them self Pastor or Leader. ”ALL” disciples called themselves “Servants of Christ.” Hmmm?NO “disciple of Christ” having the “Title”or “Position” “Pastor/Leader.” Today that “Title” is written on Diploma’s on walls, business cards, office doors, Sunday morning bulletin, street signs, and more. And everyone knows who the “Pastor/Leader” is. Why? Jesus, humbled Himself, made Himself of NO reputation, . took on the form of a “Servant.” Could that “Title” be an “Idol?”NO “disciple of Christ” “Exercising Authority” over another believer. I was taught; You submit to me, NOW, your “God Ordained Authority,” And, one day, when you’re a Pastor, people will submit to you. . Power. Profit, and Prestige, is highly esteemed among men. Guilty. Oy Vey!NO Pastors, separating themselves from the body, as “Clergy-class.”NO Pastors counseling anyone.NO Pastors marrying anyone.NO Pastors burying anyone.NO Pastors visiting the sick.NO Pastors wearing special clothes.NO Pastors going from one congregation to another. What’s up with that? Elders, plural, matured within the group, when, if, appointed, they were known. Pastor, Paid, Professional, is hired, NOT known. And the list goes on You could probably think of a few yourself.IMO Not of much of what we see **Today,** with “Pastors/leaders,”has any reference in scripture.Are there any congregations “Led” by a “Pastor” in the Bible?Seems it’s mostly “hand-me-down religion.”Seems “The Traditions of Men” are “mighty” in power to distract and deceive.Jesus warned us about making “the word of God”of non effect through our traditions; Yes?Mark 7:13 KJV Making the word of God of “none effect” through your tradition Mark 7:13 ASV Making “void” the word of God by your tradition Mark 7:13 NIV Thus you “nullify” the word of God by your tradition “We do not just seek what is, but rather what should be.”Of course, these thoughts, NOT new to me, got a lot of believers thrown in prison.Some paid with their life.History declares “Christiandumb” is often a bloody sport. Especially When you challenge the “Traditions and Doctrines of men” in power.Especially When those with “Titles” and “Position” see their “Power, Profit, and Prestige,being questioned and diminished by those who “want to be “Led” by the Spirit,by those who are challenged **to follow Jesus.**Be blessed in your search for Truth Jesus.

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