Media Blackout

media 2Apple the maker of the iPhone, iPad, and an endless range of computers, signed a deal that will allow a third party to disable the use of your cell phone. This means that if you were a witness to some crime committed against protesters or peaceful people at a rally, your camera could be disabled so there is no digital data to prove the crime.

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words so now Apple is going to silence the conversation. Apple claims the contract was made so people couldn’t tape concerts or other social events that may infringe on property rights. That’s a lie because the contract covers everything but that.
The contract details how a third party will turn off cell phone capabilities (not just the camera) in areas they deem security risks. Meaning they cause a media blackout by blocking the cell phone camera, calling and audio capabilities in a particular area. Per se five miles in every direction so the people in the blacked out area can have no digital witness.

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