Rusty Jabbz New York Hip Hop Review

The listening party began to take underway as more people came to attend and take heed not only to Allah’s Mathematics but to “The Book of Timothy.” It’s been along time since I’ve heard “GAWD’s RAP”; attending the Timbo King Event made me realize what this game been lacking, thank you to the Wu-Tang Clan for keeping real hip hop and 120 music alive. But there are other emcees and groups that helped keep the tradition and culture alive. Groups/ artists like Poor Righteous Teachers, Brand Nubian, Sunz of Man, Royal Fam, Killarmy, Grave Diggaz (RIP Poet), Shabazz The Disciple.  Coming through hearing Timbo King’s album this evening felt like an awakening. Something that New York has been missing for quite some time. Impressed off what I’m hearing inside the store, I wanted to do something I don’t normally do with an independent emcee. I was interested in purchasing Timbo King’s album; “From Babylon to Timbuktu” off of him tonight. But a reaction I do not normally hear from independent emcees was said….This is the first time hell must have froze over again on me. How many times is hell going to freeze involving me? I walked up to Timbo King offering to purchase his album and he declined the sale. Wow, that’s a first. How many independent emcees do you know that would turn down a sale? Timbo King claims he’s waiting until his official release date. The album, “From Babylon to Timbuktu” will be in stores and online Aug. 30th.

I want to give another, thanks to Matt for giving me a copy of the Timbo King album. I requested it for an album review as well as thank him again for the invite of tonight’s gathering. I had a good time and enjoyed myself and the Timbo King, album.

Now it’s my turn to pay y’ all back. Just wait and read what I got to say in your album review.


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This Artcle First Appeared n The Black Truth News Volume 2 Issue 11 November 2011

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