The Greatest Story Never Told

He taught all of his Nation, Gods and Earths that the way for the black nation to regain its position of greatness in the world again was to take care of and teach the babies. In 1968, Allah started giving indications to his Five Percenters that he would be departing.  He would tell them things like, “After this year there won’t be any Five Percenters anymore.  You will be the Nation of Gods and Earths, not the Nation of Islam… If I die I don’t want you standing over me crying because if I could I’d reach up and slap you.”  Or he would say to a friend while gesturing to one of his Five Percenters, “If I die tomorrow and he keeps teaching, how can I be dead?”

In 1969, Allah began to prepare his Five Percenters for life on their own without him.  He spoke with all of them in the Street Academy and one by one told them what their qualities were and left each of them responsible for a function for the Nation.  He told them that he had to leave them because “the only way to attract the killer is to give blood” and that if they ever needed him all they had to do was come together.

On the night of June 12, 1969, Allah was at his Street Academy speaking with his Five Percenters.  He spoke with them well into the night about male-female relationships.  Those who were present still remember to this day the euphoric feeling that he left them with.  A feeling so good that they didn’t notice that the yellow cab drive whose taxi that Allah got into wasn’t the cab of A-Allah that he usually left with.  Shortly after Allah had left, word came back that he had been brutally gunned down in the Elevator of Martin Luther King Towers on 112 Street in East Harlem.  He was hit with seven or eight powerful blasts fired by his assailants. The Five Percenters rushed down to where their “father” was stricken.  Many of them stood around crying.  At least one of them had remembered what Allah had told them and didn’t shed a tear.

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