The Greatest Story Never Told

The Daily News had ran a story that quoted an unidentified police spokesman as alleging that the Black Muslims were behind the death of Allah because they wanted to do away with so-called “splinter groups.”  Louis Farrakhan, who was minister of Temple No. 7 in Harlem, emphatically denied this account pointing out that “the police and the white power structure are tired of the Muslims and the Black militants, and would like to rid themselves of both by instigating, provoking and inciting black people to fight and kill each other.”

The one who killed Allah is the one who feared his power the most. The one who would stand to gain the most by black youth not being awakened to the knowledge of themselves. The one who enters our communities with the expressed purpose of concern for those in need and offering programs but with hidden motives of identifying, monitoring, and sabotaging.  And now I ask you, Who killed Allah?

Many people from outside the Nation thought that Allah’s longtime friend, Justice, would fill the rule that Allah had left.  Those within the Nation felt that Knowledge Allah had been groomed by Allah well enough to do the job. However, Allah had told his Five Percenters before he left them that his death would born the Nation of Gods and Earths.  That they did not need a leader because they were all leaders of themselves and their family, and when black people have leaders the devil can easily execute them to derail the movement. After the death of Allah the Gods were, as Allah had predicted, dead for a year. They were devastated by his loss.  For a year there was increased drinking and drug use. 

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