The Way I See It: “What Happened”

What happened to good black TV shows?  The Cosby Show, The Jefferson’s, Good Times, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, A Different world  

What happened to BET?  How can Black Entertainment Television owned and operated by white people really be for us?  

What happened to talent?  Why do we act as if the only way to get famous is by acting as ignorant and as hood as possible?

Why do feel the need to promote negative stereotypes and expose the ills of our culture?  What other race does this?  What race constantly degrades their women by referring to them as “bitches” and “hoes”?  What race brags about being criminals as if killing with no remorse and selling drugs is something to be admired?  I will tell you, none! 

What happened to progress?  Have we even made any lately?  Would the ones who scratched and clawed for us to get this far be proud of us?

Our parents, grand parents, great grandparents, etc…..worked their asses off, struggled and fought, shed blood, sweat, and tears so that we could have a better life than they did and this is how we repay them?

They went through hell and back so we could enjoy the things that they were not given the opportunity to experience or even know about.   Are we really just going to disrespect all their sacrifices by forgetting everything they did and everything they gave up by glorifying ignorance, accepting laziness, and promoting disrespect and materialism?


This Article First Appeared in The BlackTruth News Volume 2 Issue 2 January 2011

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