Walmart Newest Profit Strategy Is To Hire A Bunch Of Temporary Workers


Wal-Mart’s U.S. staffing has remained relatively flat even as more stores  have opened in recent years. At the end of fiscal 2013, Wal-Mart had “more than  1.3 million” workers in the United States, the majority of them at 4,005 Walmart  U.S. stores, compared with “approximately 1.4 million” workers in the United  States at the end of fiscal 2009, the majority of them at 3,656 Walmart U.S.  stores, according to the company’s annual filings for both years.

The temporary workers are often being hired on 180-day contracts, according  to the survey of Wal-Mart stores. The temps could eventually be hired for a  regular full or part-time job or they could reapply for their temporary  position, the Wal-Mart staff said.

Temp workers typically have a completion date after which they have to  reapply for work, but part-time employees work fewer hours than full-time  workers indefinitely.

“Full-time people are getting slimmer and slimmer,” said a supervisor at a  store in North Carolina, who asked not to be named, as did other store-level  employees who were interviewed for this story, because she is not authorized to  talk to the media.

She said that the five new employees hired this year at the store are all  temps and hours of existing employees are being cut.

“Everybody who comes through the door I hire as a temporary associate,” said  a store manager in Alaska, who asked not to be identified. “It’s a company  direction at the present time.”

“Long-term associates are particularly distraught by this short-term hiring  as many are looking for more hours and full-time work,” said Mary Pat Tifft, a  member of the Organization United for Respect at Walmart, or OUR Walmart, a  group of current and former Walmart employees campaigning for better wages,  hours and benefits. It does not define itself as a union, although its members  do pay $5 monthly dues. OUR Walmart is part of the United Food and Commercial  Workers International Union.

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