Why Cops Shot The Capitol Driver Rather Than Shooting Her Tires

Dr. Daniel Kennedy, an expert on police  force, told Business Insider that if police had shot at Carey’s tires they  likely would have missed. In that case, Kennedy said, the bullet could have  ricocheted on the ground or off the vehicle itself and possibly injured somebody  else.

“Same reason they don’t shoot a gun out of a bad guy’s hand,” Kennedy told BI  in an email message. “Police only hit maybe 20% [of the time] where they try to  in a fluid situation.”

Indeed, other experts have cautioned police against shooting out tires,  including criminologist Rick Parent.  Here’s what Parent had to say on the subject in an article posted by the Police Policy Studies Council:

One of the more frequent police injuries appears  to be caused when officers attempt to ‘shoot out the tires’ of suspect vehicles.  The automobile and the wheels that it rests upon are largely made of steel. The  concrete or asphalt roadway that the vehicle rests upon serve to further  compound the situation. When a high speed lead bullet is discharged in the  general area of a vehicle, ricochets and metal fragments abound. Unlike the  scenes depicted by ‘Hollywood’, the ‘shooting out of a tire’ can be a precarious  and dangerous event.

Read more:  http://www.businessinsider.com/why-didnt-police-shoot-out-miriam-careys-tires-2013-10#ixzz2gmHhulIy

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