6 Signs You’re Not Appreciated at Work — and How to Deal

1. Your boss takes credit for your work.
Nothing tastes quite as bitter as the experience of having a work win and then watching your boss take all the glory. There are a few options here: Send an email to the entire company saying, “They were my ideas. MY IDEAS!!!” — or simply have an open, honest conversation with your boss. Start by mentioning how it makes you feel to be pushed aside like that, and that a little nod in your direction recognizing your contributions would be a good incentive to keep performing at your kickass level.

2. You don’t get paid enough.
Plain and simple: Not getting paid what you’re worth feels awful. It makes the slog of the workday seem endless, and depositing those anemic paychecks feels like a slap in the face. On the upside, you aren’t helpless. In fact, you can:

  1. Ask for a raise.
  2. Ask for more benefits in lieu of a raise.
  3. Jump up and down screaming “MORE MONEY!”

3. You feel like nobody notices you.
If people are overlooking your progress, make them notice. Start sending regular project updates, or schedule meetings to present what you’ve been working on. Another option is to snarl and glare through meetings, muttering “I’ll get you” to no one in particular — the person next to you will definitely report it to HR, and then you’ll get noticed for sure.

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