Delta Sigma Theta, Inc wants to distance itself from the protests?

As corporate entities, it’s understandable that Delta and AKA leadership would be concerned about how their brands are perceived in the public eye.  But one can’t behave like a jealous boyfriend, seeking to control every move of the woman (or women) in your life.  Analagously, the extraordinary women of Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha have their own minds, interests, desires and objectives.  It would seem that some sort of vote could be taken in order to determine if the organizations can take a unified stance on behalf of Eric Garner without worrying that white people will no longer give them money.

Here’s something that organization leadership might want to consider.  I’ll say it bluntly, and I hope it comes out in the way it’s intended: We are officially in the Era of the Field Negro.

Educated, wealthy African Americans who seek to beg their way into historically racist institutions are no longer admired by those who are forced to live life on the margins.  Substance now matters more than flash.   Courage means more than wealth.  When the rest of the world is taking a stand, no one respects the person or group who chooses to remain sitting down.

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