Donald Trump Represented America’s Ugly Truth but Not the Beautiful Lie

Even calling his election shocking, disrespectful, unbelievable, or downright shameful wouldn’t do it justice. Because in reality, Trump’s tenure as president was all of that and more. I always said he was a reflection of what America has been, what it is, and unfortunately what it still will be in the near future.  

He is that hidden racism that exists in the liberal Whites in this country. That phony smile you get at the coffee machine or when you enter an elevator. He is the brazen racism that comes from downtrodden Whites who blame their unfortunate position in society on other races as if we stole something from them.  

He represents that outright racism that some of us Blacks hate to admit still exists in this country. By the same token, he was that one White person that some Blacks don’t mind dealing with because it is better to know our enemy than to not know him.  

He represented the misogynic, chauvinist, and sexist attitude that exists in so many men of all colors in this country. He is the idiot on Twitter, who you wonder how he has so much time to tweet so much dumb shit online. He is the loudmouth on YouTube who posts videos that we know are full of crap but we still watch because it is entertaining. 

American people like to watch reality shows. Things that seem real, but they are not. Trump is literally a reality star who became the President of the United States. He is the extreme representation of a culture that gives fame, authority, and power to people who haven’t earned it. Trump is America.  

His only downfall was he never gave us hope. He never allowed us to look in the mirror at that overweight body and tell us we are going to the gym on Monday. Even if it is bullshit, we still seek the beauty that we had, we possess, and that we may obtain. That not only represents the beautiful side of America but the beautiful side of humanity.  

Unfortunately, the atrocities and actions of the White power structure in this country towards Blacks and others have been for the most part inhumane. Similar to Trump inciting mobs of people to storm the U.S Captial, others have misused their power as well. That is a fact.

The problem that Trump’s peers, fellow lawmakers, and even the American people had with him didn’t come from the fact that he showed us the ugly truth. It was the fact that he didn’t also provide us with the beautiful lie. And that’s not American. That’s not America at all.  

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