George Bush & Bill Clinton, Partners In Crime.

The Bu$h family has a multigeneration documented record of crony capitalism and shady dealings dating back to Samuel Prescott Bu$h the patriarch of the Bu$h crime family.  The elder Bu$h became well connected as an industrialist working with the Harriman and Rockefeller families in railroads, arms and banking industries. He began the family fortune profiting off of armament sales to both sides during WWI.

When you look at all the rumors of wrong doing, countless allegations, conspiracy theories about all the people connected to the Clintons dying under strange circumstances, the Congressional hearings into a myriad of Clinton activities, you get the impression there is something irregular going on but either investigators have not figured it out or they are being protected by very powerful people.

The Bu$hes and Clintons have had a cozy relationship sinceClinton’s days as Governor of Arkansas when Vice President George H.W. Bu$h’s National Security Council ran drugs out of the Mena airfield in the mountains of Arkansas. The consequences of this operation was the cocaine and crack epidemics that devastated urban America during the 80’s and 90’s.

As President, Clinton pushed for legislation that resulted in poor recreational drug users and low level drug dealers being sent to prison for long terms, the expansion of the federal prison system and the subsequent creation of profitable private prisons.

There is a sinister nexus between the Bu$h and Clinton families, George H.W. Bu$h and his NSC trafficked drugs through Mena in Arkansas during the 80’s and 90’s when Clinton was the governor and President Clinton passed legislation that locked people of color up for using the drugs the NSC/CIA brought in!

With all the scrutiny about the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative why hasn’t there been a thorough investigation into what happened to the money Bill Clinton and George W Bush raised to “help” the people of Haiti following the devastating earthquake in 2010. Both former presidents were asked by President Obama to spearhead an initiative to raise money to assist in the rescue and recovery following the earthquake.

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