Iron Sharpens Iron

Personal Example

As I look back on my formative years, I realize that much of my life was influenced by the quality of my friends. There were times when their direct guidance and counsel helped me to make necessary changes in my approach to life.

When I was in college, a close friend had to confront me because I had been exhibiting generally obnoxious behavior. I was oblivious as to how irritating I had become, and my friend needed to point this out to me. It was painful to hear, and I was defensive at first, but as he explained my various infractions it became obvious that I needed to hear his words and act on them. Today, I appreciate that my friend cared enough to challenge me, because what he pointed out has helped me through the rest of my life. In that way, he “sharpened” me.

Yet this is just one of the many ways in which a friend has helped improve me. There have been countless times when participating in engaging conversations with friends has stretched my thinking in ways I would never have experienced by myself. This is perhaps the most important aspect of “sharpening” that I have found. Even my most closely held Christian beliefs have been shaped and clarified as I have had the benefit of refining my thoughts with close friends who were also seeking a better understanding of God’s way.

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