The Rise of Unbelief!

Modern Events

One of the most surprising developments in recent times in the “Christian” nations of the West has been the rise of militant atheists and agnostics who have launched a determined attack on Christian beliefs and the Judeo-Christian values that form the foundation of Western civilization. Books, articles and Web sites have appeared to ridicule the Scriptures, mock the God of the Bible, trivialize the idea that Jesus will come again, and make fun of Bible-based moral instructions (“Secular and Proud of It,” Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2015). These self-appointed critics and teachers of humanity claim that “God is Imaginary” and that entire books in the Bible are fabrications written by unknown imposters. In spite of the fact that the majority of citizens in Western nations claim to be Christian, atheistic organizations have filed lawsuits to remove displays of the Ten Commandments in public places, eliminate prayers in classrooms and prevent any form of Christian education in state-supported schools—yet encouraging students to learn about and practice pagan religions!

Foundations have been established to educate the public about atheism, agnosticism and non-belief and aid clergy who want to leave their faith. Rallies have been conducted to promote atheistic ideas with attendees waving signs that “God is a myth” and “We’re godless, get used to it” (“‘Godless’ rally for recognition,” Washington Post, March 24, 2012). At a rally in Washington, D.C., British atheist Richard Dawkins urged a crowd of some 10,000 people to “confront believers regarding their ‘most absurd’ beliefs” and to “mock them, ridicule them in public.” Another speaker led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance—deliberately omitting the phrase “under God” (“Richard Dawkins to atheist rally: ‘Show contempt’ for faith,” USA Today, March 25, 2012). It is sobering to see modern militant atheists demanding “freedom from religion” in western nations that have long allowed “freedom of religion.”

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