Top 5 Foods to Improve Your Skin

1.     Green Tea — Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cell membranes. It has been proven to reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which in turn reduces the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is also high in polyphenols — compounds that eliminate cancer-causing free radicals.

Recent research by scientists at the Medical College of Georgia shows that the polyphenol most abundant in green tea — EGCG — also acts as a “fountain of youth” of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells. In addition to its skin-healthy properties, green tea is also high in vitamins C, D and K, as well as riboflavin, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

2.Salmon — along with other fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed — is high in healthy fatty acids that are key for achieving healthy skin.  Essential fatty acids such as omega-3s help keep cell membranes healthy by keeping out harmful substances as well as allowing nutrients to enter cells and exit with waste products.  Omega-3s also reduce the body’s production of inflammatory agents that can damage the skin.

Increasing consumption of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as salmon will help keep the skin supple and youthful. A 1:1 ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s is ideal, but the ratio in the typical American diet is more like 20:1, so boosting consumption of salmon and other oily fish can help bring that ratio closer to 1:1. Salmon is also rich in protein, potassium, selenium and vitamin B12.

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